Market Development Association

About the MDA

The late Jim Hargey, founding member and Chair until his passing in 2004.

The Market Development Association (MDA) was established in December 1995 to promote the well-being of all residents living in the Market area of South Belfast. It aims to develop the Market community into one where people want to live, work and socialise. The MDA seeks to advocate on behalf of the Market community on socio-economic issues which impact on the residents by adopting a community development approach. The MDA engages with statutory agencies, government departments, political representatives, the private sector and other stakeholders in order to advance the development of the Market area into a vibrant and sustainable inner city working class community. The MDA aims to empower the local community through the promotion of active citizenship within the community and in the wider city of Belfast. The MDA strives for equality, and promotes a rights based approach when dealing with the many socio-economic issues that impact on the Market community.

The organisation works on the following core objectives:

• Housing
• Children and Youth
• Health
• Community Cohesion, Community Relations and Community Safety
• Strategic Planning, Community Infrastructure and Sustainability
• Education, Advice, Training, and Employment

The MDA committee is composed of local residents who volunteer their free time in an effort to improve the area. In addition to our committee and our wider activist base, the MDA also has four full-time members of staff.

The MDA is the anchor tenant in the Market Community Centre, which is a focal point at the heart of our community for a whole range of activities ranging from book clubs, drama groups, the Market Women’s Group and much, much more.