Market Development Association


The Market Development Association works with a number of organisations at statutory, area and community level in order to maximise the resources and opportunities available to our community. We are members of the Housing Community Network, South Belfast Sure Start, and currently chair both the Cromac Regeneration Initiative and the Inner South Belfast Neighbourhood Partnership.

At the local level we chair the Market Community Centre Management Committee, participate in the Market Community Safety Forum and work closely with our friends in St Malachy’s Youth Centre, the Market Women’s Group, St George’s ABC, Market Sure Start, St Malachy’s GAC, Albion Star YFC, Réaltaa na Cromóige FC, the Pangur Bán Literary & Cultural Society

We work closely with our partner groups to deliver a number of seasonal activities ranging from our Summer Intervention Programme through to Christmas and St Patrick’s Day celebrations. We also played a key role in securing the funding for the construction of the Market Playground, St Malachy’s Youth Centre, St George’s ABC, and Sure Start, as well as a number of smaller projects.